Warrior Teams

Victory is excited to offer its exciting advanced youth developmental soccer program, the Victory Academy Warrior (Pre-Competitive) Teams, to players ages 7-10 who are passionate about the game and ready to compete at the age appropriate pre-cursor to competitive football (soccer). It is specifically designed to enable young players to master the fundamentals of the sport and launch them into advanced league competitive soccer if they so choose in the future.
Every player in this program has per week....
2x Skills Training Days between Monday-Thursday​
Competitive In-House Developmental Training League Competition on Friday Early Evenings or Saturday mornings.
**The upcoming season schedule will be released approximately one week before season launch.
CSA (Colorado Soccer Association) Club vs. Club Matches on Saturdays (8x weeks approximately)
**Note: We will try to put as many of the Pre-Competitive Team members' games on Fridays in order to avoid too many double-header games on Saturdays. ​
We Are Recruiting Parents To Coach In Our In-House League. Interested? Click HERE ... I WANT TO COACH
Why The Victory Academy Warrior Teams?
Our Goals....

We want to provide higher level coaching for our players to grow and be challenged to reach their fullest potential in the game.

We want to provide players an opportunity to be pushed to their fullest through challenging competition in the CSA league.

At the very heart and foundation of Victory, we are passionate about building the CHARACTER of our players from "the inside-out." We teach, model, and coach what it means to be the RIGHT PERSON as well a great player.

We want to provide higher level coaching for our players to grow and be challenged to reach their fullest potential in the game.
Victory Academy Spring, 2025
Warrior Teams Offered

Teams By Gender/Year Born​
Boys' 2016-2017
Boys' 2015-2016
Girls' 2015-2016
Where Are The Victory Academy
Warrior Teams This Season?
Click On Each Location To Learn More