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Castle Rock, CO

Soccer Programs Offered
in Partnership with
Castle Rock Christian Academy

For Boys and Girls Ages 4-13 

Spring, 2025

Castle Rock Christian Academy 

4881 Cherokee Dr, Castle Rock, CO

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Program Overview

Great Intro To the Game
Loads of Fun with Friends

Convenient For Parents

Become a Champion in Sport and Life



  • Gender/Ages: Boys and Girls Ages 4-5, Year Born 2019-2020 (Co-Ed Teams)

  • Dates: Saturday, March 8 - Saturday, May 17 (Excludes Spring Break, March 15-23)


During registration, please choose ONE of the following options....


Saturday Mornings Only
With A 20 Minute Training
Before Game Per Week


For those who want to try-out the game for their children with only a one day per week commitment


​Includes: ​

  • Short Skills Training Session (20 minutes) prior to the match to introduce children to the game.

  • Saturday game in the Victory Champions League (Playing mostly with other players from your school) in Highlands Ranch (Location: TBD)


Season Cost = $125**

  • Early Bird and Late Fee Info below

  • Includes (20 minutes of training) and Games back-to-back

  • If a player is new to Victory, there is an additional one-time Uniform Package fee of $25 (Victory Jersey and Character Cards)​

  • Players will wear their own black shorts and socks


1x Training
& 1x Saturday Game

Per Week


​For those who want their children to learn and grow in the game with a relatively low 2 days per week commitment


​Includes: â€‹

  • Trainings on WEDNESDAYS 3:30-4:35 PM 

  • Saturday game in the Victory Champions League (Playing mostly with other players from your school) in Highlands Ranch (Location: TBD)


Season Cost = $185**

  • Early Bird and Late Fee Info below

  • Includes Training and Games​

  • If a player is new to Victory, there is an additional one-time Uniform Package fee of $25 (Victory Jersey and Character Cards)​

  • Players will wear their own black shorts and socks

**Normal Spring Soccer Registration Closes January 31
As long as there is room in the program, one can still sign-up, but tthere will be a $10 additional late registration fee added on.​​​​

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Program Overview

High-Level & Quality Training
Loads of Fun with Friends

Convenient For Parents

Become a Champion in Sport and Life
CHAMPIONS (Click Here)


  • Gender/Ages: Boys and girls ages 6-10, Year Born 2014-2018 (Teams in the Victory Champions League will be broken up by gender if there are enough players. If not, teams will be co-ed.)

  • Dates: Saturday, March 8 - Saturday, May 17 (Excludes Spring Break, March 15-23)


During registration, please choose
ONE of the following options....


Saturday Mornings Only
30 Minute Training & Game
Per Week


For those who want to try-out the game for their children without a big commitment


​Includes: ​

  • Short Skills Training Session (30 minutes) prior to the match to introduce children to the game.

  • Game in Victory Champions League (Playing mostly with other players from your school) in Highlands Ranch (Location: TBD)


Season Cost = $185**

  • Early Bird and Late Fee Info below

  • Includes 30 minutes of training and games back-to-back

  • If a player is new to Victory, there is an additional one-time Uniform Package fee of $50 (Includes Victory training shirt, shorts, socks, and Character Cards)​


1x Training
& Saturday Jr. Champions League

Per Week


​For those who really want their children to learn and grow in the game with a relatively low weekly commitment


​Includes: â€‹

  • Trainings on WEDNESDAYS, 3:30-5:05 PM 

  • Saturday Morning Games in Victory Champions League in Highlands Ranch (Location: TBD)


Season Cost = $235**

  • Early Bird and Late Fee Info below

  • Includes Training and Games

  • If a player is new to Victory, there is an additional Uniform Package fee of $50
    (Includes Victory training jersey, shorts, socks, and Character Cards) 


2x Trainings

​& Saturday Jr. Champions League

Per Week


For those who want their children to go the extra mile and really learn and grow in the  game but are not quite ready for pre-competitive soccer


​Includes: â€‹

    3:30-5:05 PM
    **Important Note on 2nd Training Below. PLEASE READ!

  • Saturday Morning Games in Victory Champions League in Highlands Ranch (Location: TBD)


Season Cost = $285**

  • Early Bird and Late Fee Info below

  • Includes Training and Games

  • If a player is new to Victory, there is an additional Uniform Package fee of $50
    (Includes Victory training jersey, shorts, socks, and Character Cards)  


2x Trainings

​& Saturday Jr.
Champions League
& CSA Competition

Per Week


For those who are passionate about the game and really want to go as far as they can through intense training sessions and who want to try-out pre-competitive soccer


​Includes: â€‹

    3:30-5:05 PM
    **Important Note on 2nd Training Below. PLEASE READ!

  • Saturday Morning Games in Victory Champions League in Highlands Ranch (Location: TBD)

  • Followed by a 2nd Warrior Team Game (Pre-Competitive matches in CSA Front Range League)


Season Cost = $310**

  • Early Bird and Late Fee Info below

  • Includes Training and Games

  • If a player is new to Victory, there is an additional Uniform Package fee of $50
    (Includes Victory training jersey, shorts, socks, and Character Cards) 

**Normal Spring Soccer Registration Closes January 31
As long as there is room in the program, one can still sign-up, but tthere will be a $10 additional late registration fee added on.​​​​


  • Important Note For Training Days/Times Options 3&4: Your trainings will be on.....

    • Wednesdays: 3:30-5:05 PM 

    • Thursdays: 3:30-5:05.... The 2nd Training will be at CRCA If there are a minimum of 8 players who sign-up for a 2nd day of training at CRCA.  If less then 8 players sign-up, then the 2nd training will be at Arma Dei Academy in Highlands Ranch on Thursdays, 4:30-6:05 PM as it was in the past fall season.  

We Are Recruiting Parents To Help Coach In Our Saturday Victory Champions League And/Or Assist In Trainings. Interested? If So, Please Click....  HERE ... I WANT TO COACH!! 


When clicking on this above button/link, please go to the "Wednesday" time option which has been set-up specifically for CRCA children and their friends, ages 11-13.  The "Monday" option is not necessarily for CRCA children but for any child, ages 7-13, from the entire South Denver region. 

What To Bring To EVERY Training....

Victory Uniform
& Equipment

Victory Training Jersey

Victory Black Shorts

Victory Black Socks

Cleats & Shin Guards

Soccer Ball


Little Victory - Size 3

Jr. Victory - Size 4

Age 12+ - Size 5

Water Bottle


Whether its hot or cold, bring a FULL water bottle. Don't forget to put YOUR NAME on it.

Victory Character Cards

They are the foundation of all we teach at Victory and will be used during TEAM TIME

Warm Clothing UNDERNEATH Uniform

When its COLD, SEND YOUR CHILD IN WARM CLOTHING: Hat, Gloves, Sweats, & Tight Fitting/ Under-Armor Type Clothing

Victory Uniform
Training and Games

  • All NEW developmental players, 6-10 years old, are required to order a Victory uniform package ($50) which includes:

  1. Victory Uniform Training Jersey​

  2. Victory Uniform Shorts

  3. Victory Uniform Socks

  4. Victory Character Cards

**To order your uniform as a new player to Victory, please do so during registration, and your uniform will be given to you at the beginning of the season.   ​

  • All RETURNING developmental players can continue using their required Victory uniform from past seasons as we generally keep the uniform the same.  When a player needs to replace a uniform item for any reason, this can be done at registration ale carte or through filling out the below uniform order (CLICK ON BLUE BUTTON BELOW). 

  • For Inner-Club Victory League Competition on Saturday mornings, all players will wear their black uniform shorts and socks that they use for training. For the game jersey, each player will then be LOANED a match jersey specific to his/her team for the season and then return it at the end of the season ($20 fee if jersey is not returned).  

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Soccer Equipment


  • All players are REQUIRED to bring the appropriate size soccer ball to EVERY TRAINING SESSION....

    • Little Victory: Size 3 ball

    • Jr. Victory/Victory Academy: Size 4 ball

  • Soccer Cleats ...... Please NO SNEAKERS!

  • Shin guards are highly encouraged but not necessarily required. 

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