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Developmental Overview


FOR YOUTH AGES 4-10.....

SAME FUN but SO MUCH MORE than Recreational Soccer!!

Key Characteristics Of
Victory's Developmental Soccer Academy

  • Children Learn a Specific Coaching Curriculum

  • Experienced and Licensed Coaches

  • Emphasis primarily on assisting young players to LEARN AND MASTER THE FUNDAMENTALS of the game technically and tactically, NOT ON WINNING GAMES


To read more about the various levels of youth soccer, please CLICK HERE

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What Makes The Victory Academy So Special?

  • Great For ALL Children: A strong and fun introduction to soccer for all children ages 4-10 years old.

  • Exercise & Skill Development: Children learn the game while they are having fun and getting exercise.

  • Healthy Competition: We run our own in-house soccer league in order to make sure we can control the environment for children at this impressionable age.  This enables us to keep the atmosphere positive, fun, and competitive with balanced teams while we illustrate healthy competition and develop the children's hearts.

  • Strong and Affordable Coaching: A healthy combination of master coaches, apprentice coaches, and parent volunteers in order to provide the best possible soccer program for children at an affordable price. 

  • Duration: Skills training sessions offered 1-3 days per week.

  • Fun, Friends, and More Fun!! 

Victory Academy's
Program Offerings

  1. Little Victory Academy, Ages 4-5

  2. Champions Program, Ages 6-10

    • 1x Day of Training + In-House League​

    • 2x Days of Training + In House League

    • 2x Days of Training + In-House League + Warrior Team (Pre-Competitive) CSA Competition

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